KUBE HOTEL is located between Gare du Nord and Montmartre. The hotel ofers 40 rooms, 2 state of the art meeting rooms as well as an ice bar and a restaurant (french cuisine) + gym onsite. Meeting rooms with daylight. Parking available in the hotel.
KUBE HOTEL is located between Gare du Nord and Montmartre. The hotel ofers 40 rooms, 2 state of the art meeting rooms as well as an ice bar and a restaurant (french cuisine) + gym onsite. Meeting rooms with daylight. Parking available in the hotel.
KUBE HOTEL is located between Gare du Nord and Montmartre. The hotel ofers 40 rooms, 2 state of the art meeting rooms as well as an ice bar and a restaurant (french cuisine) + gym onsite. Meeting rooms with daylight. Parking available in the hotel.
Paris, Frankreich
bis 60 Teilnehmer
ab € 150,00 je Teilnehmer
Französisch, Englisch